Installing SpecBAS for Windows
A quick guide to getting the current version of SpecBAS up and running on Windows systems
Downloading SpecBAS for Windows
The current version of SpecBAS for Windows can be found at
The file contains the SpecBAS.exe file, bass.dll and the relevant source files.
Running SpecBAS for Windows
The current version of the SpecBAS.exe should run from any location you wish to keep it. It will require that the bass.dll file, included in the SpecOS folder, is installed or within the same directory.
Upon fist execution, SpecBAS will create its working directory; \Documents and Settings\User\specbas . This folder is effectively the root folder for SpecBAS/SpecOS, where SpecBAS will load files from, and save files to. SpecBAS will be unaware of any files located outside of this folder.
Compiling your own version
All the source is available in the Windows .zip release for anyone wishing to compile SpecBAS using Delphi. The SpecBAS source files are also available from github, negating the need to download the binary when acquiring the latest source. The bass audio library is also available from